Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As most everyone already knows, since September 18th I have been on orders preparing for my upcoming deployment to Egypt. There hasn't been anything to exciting to write about, but let me provide everyone a quick summary. Our time began with the entire unit going through what the Army calls SRP, which includes standing in lines all day to verifying paperwork, draw new gear and equipment, medical, dental, and hearing screenings, and some other verifications needed to deploy. The next two weeks we trained at Camp Butner, NC, as the soldiers qualified with thier assigned weapons, most qualified with M4s, but other soldiers qualified with M249s, M240s, and M9s. I stood by and watched and encouraged in my non-combatant role.
But most importantly souls have been saved. My military ministry has produced some precious fruit in that three men have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Two of these men were performing comunity service in the Armory as part of their punishment for the laws they broke. Both were young and extremely recpetive to the Gospel. Both men made genuine and sincere professions of faith with their mouths and hearts.
Next up is my APFT (physical fitness test) this Friday, but I injured my knee this Monday excercising at the Aquatics Center. I strained something in my knee as I was using the rowing machine. But I will shake it off by this Friday.
Continue to pray that I would remain faithful and obedient to the Lord and that the hearts and souls of these spiritually lost soldiers would be softened and prepared to receive the seed of the Gospel.
Just a soldier of Christ...