Sunday, November 11, 2012

Camp Atterbury, Indiana

Hello my friends,

Today is day 18 of mobilization here at Camp Atterbury. The troops have done a variety of training and spirits have remained high. Even though my happiness has left me from time to time, my joy never has. The Holy Spirit has continuely lifted me up and filled me with joy. My deepest concerns are for the unsaved troops and there are many. To be honest, its discouraging. The environment is hostile towards the gospel and the Devil has a firm grip on the majority of the troops under my care. Being a light in this darkness is a great challenge, but I will perservere. I have experienced minor persecution and rumors have spread about me sharing the gospel and speaking truth from the Word of God. Even when truth is shared with compassion and respect, it's still like a "double-edged sword" penetrating a person's heart. The Devil is attacking me from the inside out. I can almost sense him coming. His mission is to simply discourage me from sharing the truth and water down the Word of God.
As I was reading 2 Peter and verse 2:19 pulled at my heart string. Peter said that "...people are enslaved to whatever defeats them." The danger is that they don't realize they have been defeated!

Please pray I will have the ability to love the unloveable and have the love in my heart to pray for those who persucute me.



  1. I read your post and then went on to do my daily reading and this made me think of you..
    Psalm 109:28 " let them curse me if they like, but You will bless me.
    When they attack me, they will be disgraced!
    But I, your servant, will go right on rejoicing!"
    We will be praying for you Lance and your family. Thank you for your service both to God and to our country. Happy Veterans Day!

    Tammy Boyce

  2. Keep your head high! Praying for you. --Stacy

  3. I will also keep my eyes focused upward. Thanks Stacy.

  4. Lance,
    There are too many prayer warriors in your "other army" for the devil to win. You are shielded under this dome of prayer. Keep this in mind; You and Jesus are an insurmountable majority.
    Terry Barbee

    1. Thanks Terry. The Devil is constantly looking for breaches in my Armor!

      I'm grateful for your prayers.
