Friday, January 11, 2013

Adoption: A Biblical Mandate

Adoption and fostering is something my wife and I have prayed about and talked about for the past year.
Then I realized its really about faith and obedience.

James wrote in James 1:27 that "Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

My religion "Christianity" or way of life is based on faith and action not just lip service and empty worship.
The word "religion" in Greek refers to one's personal convictions or principles.
My biblical convictions lead me to care for orphans and widows, so I must simply obey. We have extra space in our home and I am going to use it for the purposes of God, not to fill it up with meaningless possessions.
So how am I as a follower of Christ to obey this scripture.
We need to support oprhans and widows, so how do we do this?

1) We could give money to Christian organizations who care for children
2) We could provide money to our church to set up a program for widows in need
3) We could become foster parents
4) We could adopt children

There are many ways, these are just a few.
Here in Egypt, children essentially have nothing.They will literally tear off your arm to get a bottle of water, they are so needy. It breaks my heart, as it should!

I have been inspired by many Christian friends who have adopted and fostered and God has used their faith and love to inspire my family.
Especially my good friend and Christian brother Brian and his wife Shelly. Praise God for how He has worked through them and used them to save two children through adoption.

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