Thursday, May 30, 2013

Emotional Adultery

During deployments married soldiers tend to drift away from their spouses back home. There are numerous factors which lead to this, to include poor communication, unresolved conflict, unrealistic expectations, all of which will lead to marital dissatisfaction. Tragically, infidelity and adultery are becoming increasingly common, even among so-called Christians. In the Army, adultery is a crime, but most commanders have always been inclined to turn their heads and pretend it doesn't exist unless photographic or video evidence comes forward. However, not only does physical adultery occur during deployments, but emotional adultery occurs. Adultery of this type is an emotional affair. Emotional affairs can be even more threatening to a marriage than physical adultery. It occurs when husbands and wives turn to someone besides their spouse for primary emotional sustenance and support. For example, when a couple is experiencing conflict, hostility, or distancing, and the husband or wife turns to an opposite sex friend for companionship, support, and sharing of personal information, an emotional affair typically begins.

At its root, adultery is about a lifestyle of deception and begins with lust, a deadly sin of the flesh.

Pray that our deployed soldiers would be convicted by God's Word that their emotional and physical affairs are destructive and need to come to an end.
Please pray for the restoration of military marriages that are struggling.  

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