Saturday, July 6, 2013


Some may have already heard, but Kirk Cameron will release a new movie this September titled "Unstoppable" which will answer some of life's toughest questions about suffering. Kirk Cameron has recently partnered with Liberty University to make films that represent Gospel values and this film is just the beginning.

Whenever chaplains or pastors like myself seek to explain suffering and why bad things happen to good people, we almost always turn to the story of Job.
The book of Job demonstrates that God is sovereign and trustworthy in all situations, even in lives most difficult circumstances. But like any other scripture in the Bible, if a person doesn't believe that "all scripture is God breathed" then they will never adopt a biblical worldview. In the Bible, God speaks of the consequences of living according to the world, rather than in concert with His principles. Some of the consequences can be shame, bitterness, physical disability, anger, God's punishment, and discouragement. Ultimately without a biblical worldview you will demonstrate that you have chosen the ways of the world over God.

In Job 2:10, Job spoke these profound words "Should we accept only the good from God and not adversity?"
He later responded to his friend Zophar "Even if God kills me, I will hope in Him" (Job 13:15). How often do you hear people respond like that when they are suffering?

Suffering comes to everyone and God does not keep His children from suffering. The key point to take away is that God allowed Satan to strike Job, but God limited what Satan could do and He still does.


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