Thursday, June 5, 2014

Memoralizing a Life: Clarence Peake

In what might be one of the latest memorial services ever conducted, almost 60 Coca-Cola employees gathered in the upstairs conference room at the SPC Bottling Plant last night at 10:00 to celebrate the life of Clarence Peake. Clarence passed away on May 17th following a short illness and previously had worked the 3rd shift at the plant for the past five years. The employees of the bottling plant demonstrated tremendous love and support for Clarence's family by taking up a monetary collection and signing their names on a t-shirt they presented to Clarence's wife, Somonya. She was genuinely overwhelmed by every one's generosity and kindness. During the 45 minute memorial service Clarence's co-workers shared personal memories and stories of the impact he had on their lives, providing tremendous encouragement to Somonya and the other family members that came out. I concluded the service with the hope of eternal life found only in Jesus Christ. I first explained the reason why we suffer physical death and experience disease in our bodies. I shared the Genesis 3 story to emphasize the sinfulness of man, but my central passage was John 11:25, 26 as I concluded with the question Jesus asked Martha following the death of Lazarus..."Do you believe this? Jesus stated that He was the "resurrection and the life and he who believes in Him, though he may die, shall live." I chose not to give an invitation, but urged everyone to acknowledge their sin before God, be broken over it, stand destitute before Him, repent of their sin, and place their full faith and belief in Christ, His work on the cross, and His resurrection. This is the only message that can change a person's life and provide them hope of life beyond this planet.
In the end almost 60 people heard the gospel in clarity and purity and were left with the free will decision to respond to Christ invitation to be their Savior!


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