Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Your Way Versus God's Way: His Is Better

Why do so many people choose their own way? What we know is that people are sinful, have hearts that are desperately wicked, (Jeremiah 17:9) and naturally conform to the ways of this world. With nearly 90 million evangelical Christians living in America the spiritual condition and moral direction of our country should not be as it is. I could certainly go into a lengthy discussion as to the reasons why this is, but for the sake of this devotion I am going to focus on just one, Christians choosing their own way. This disobedience and sin has caused the downfall of every major empire since the beginning of time and too many lives to count. The Bible is full of scriptures about choosing the right way, God’s way, but so few choose it. The power of deception is strong and the power of delusion is even stronger.

In the book of Proverbs King Solomon had a great deal to say about the consequences of a man’s choices. In chapter four, Solomon wrote about the two ways of life, one leading to destruction and one leading to life. For the thousands of years since this passage was written people have continued to choose the path that seems right to them, even millions of Christians. Solomon wrote that “there is a way that seems right to a man. But its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12) and of course Jesus Himself said that everyone who hears His words and doesn’t act on them is foolish (Matthew 7:26). Why do Christians want to be foolish? Why do believers live and act so carnally? Could it be they really don’t believe? Why don’t they have the desire to seek God’s way? These are questions I ask all the time as I encounter people with overwhelming problems. There are severe consequences for sinful choices and everyone is fully responsible for the results of their choices. Alcohol, drugs, cohabitation, premarital sex, crime, these sinful decisions lead to crushing consequences and incredible stress which often causes a person to abuse one or more of these sinful vices to a greater degree.

Paul said “those who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:8). There is only one solution, complete and absolute surrender to Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Our thoughts and motives must be informed by God’s Spirit and His Word. It’s a non-negotiable for the born again believer.

When something seems right to your carnal mind, beware, it will lead you to death. A follower of Christ lives by the Spirit, where life and peace are found. A spiritually minded person has discovered God’s way and never looks for an alternative. 

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