Monday, October 13, 2014

Empty Yourself

Jesus is the standard bearer for humility. If you are looking for a picture of humility, then look no further than Jesus. If you are unsure of what a servant’s life looks like, then once again look to Jesus. In this modern church era, the majority, although not all, of mega church pastors parade around like rock stars enjoying the lifestyle of the rich and famous provided by the large monetary offerings brought forth by their swelling congregations. Their expensive homes, tailored suits, luxury cars, and television shows work to expand their fame. Many of these pastors use King Solomon’s riches as justification for their extravagant lifestyles and rock star fame. Many of the younger pastors wear trendy clothes, have stylish haircuts, and do all they can to build their kingdoms in hope of growing their fame and their bank accounts. It’s not uncommon for many of these pastors to draw attention away from their luxurious lifestyles by large give always to local and national charities. Finally, very few offer any transparency inside of their ministries, especially in regards to salaries and perks. I will be honest, it really bothers me. I love Jesus and when churches and pastors deviate from Christ’s example in the name of self-interest, comfort, and popularity, I get angry. As a chaplain I serve countless people who don’t go to church because they have grown tired of the selfish nonsense of power hungry pastors, arrogance from the pulpit, or the lack of servant leadership.

But is this what Jesus modeled? No. In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul spoke of Jesus as humbling Himself as a bondservant, even though He considered Himself equal with God. Particularly, in verses 7-8 Paul wrote that Jesus “…made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant…even to the point of death.” This is an amazing statement and one that we should meditate upon before moving to the next verses. Jesus was both fully divine and fully man, yet He still poured Himself out as an offering and lived a life of humility as a servant. There were few people lower than a bondservant, nevertheless Paul identified Jesus as a slave. Jesus was bound to His Father as a slave is bound to His master, yet Jesus came to serve and humble Himself with whole-hearted devotion as the greatest example of humility the world has ever known.

When a pastor is more concerned about their prominence and notoriety, then the church falls by the wayside. When a pastor is more concerned about entertaining the crowds, the church erodes into a Christian concert. Money and multi-million dollar buildings don’t last and are certainly not eternal. A pastor who models the humility of Christ, builds the church and impacts souls. So if you are deciding where to attend church, look for the pastor who has died to himself, is denying himself, and practices servant leadership.

Empty yourself as Christ did so you can identify a pastor or another believer who has emptied themselves. 

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