Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ministry Equals Warfare

When a person comes to Christ and surrenders, he or she are commissioned into God’s army. Christians are called to immediately to begin preparing themselves for warfare as many battles lie ahead. Believers are not called to hide from the world, they are called to engage. When Paul was writing to Timothy he specifically identified him as a soldier.  Paul wrote “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier” (2 Timothy 2:3-4). There are some very important take a ways in this text. First, we are called to endure hardship or as some translations state, we are called to share in the suffering of Jesus Christ. Pay close attention to Paul’s words, “we must endure hardships and suffering” for the same reasons Jesus endure it all the way to the cross. Christians are transformed beings and are to respond differently than non-believers. Disciples of Christ don’t get mad when we suffer, they don’t give up and go home, nor are they to become discouraged. Paul was preparing Timothy for what was to come, because a soldier is always prepared.

Second, we are to respond like soldiers in the midst of combat. As a former soldier myself, training and testing are the foundations of readiness. Most importantly however, soldiers must know their mission, purpose, and orders or they will be lost, uncertain, and will eventually become demoralized. When a solider knows their mission and has faith in their leader they are focused and willing to lay down their lives if needed. This is why Paul prepared Timothy for his mission and focusing his eyes on the greatest leader of all time, Jesus Christ. If a soldier wasn’t pushed, challenged, and tested they would fall in defeat during the most difficult times of battle.

Do you consider yourself a soldier? Are you aware of the spiritual warfare that exists? A friend of mine just sent me an email to pray for some children in Kenya traveling by bus, because just two weeks ago a group of Muslims stopped a bus and shot 28 teachers and doctors a close range. They shot them because they were Christians, not knowing these martyrs were serving anyone and everyone who needed help, including Muslims.

Satan’s most deceptive tactic is to deprive God His glory through His disciples. Avoid the nonsense of this world and learn your marching orders from Christ. Without knowing your orders you will never be faithful to the mission of God. Claim the victory that has already been assured through the cross!

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