Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spiritually Fit

Pastor A.W. Tozer once wrote that “complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth.” But how does a believer grow spiritually? It requires training. Paul wrote to Timothy “…train yourself in godliness for the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way…” (1 Timothy 4:7, 8 HCSB). It’s the word “train” that is imperative in this verse. In the Greek, the word “train” is gymnazo. It’s where we get the word “gymnasium.” It means to exercise enthusiastically, to train thoroughly, and to discipline yourself. When a first century Olympic athlete would prepare for the Olympics they would “train” and this is exactly what Paul had in mind when he wrote this to Timothy about growing spiritually.

Paul is telling believers they are to “train themselves in godliness.” In the same way an athlete prepares and dedicates himself or herself to their respective sport, so is the follower of Christ. An athlete disciplines himself or herself to a life of training. Discipline can be difficult, but living without it is disastrous.

You see, Paul is telling Timothy that in order for him to be a “good servant of Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 4:1), he needs to “train himself in godliness.” If we will only “nourish” ourselves on the word of God and seek the Lord through prayer, can we train ourselves to become spiritual athletes, but only if we are in Christ. He must dwell in us! Professional athletes don’t train once a month or even once a week, they train daily or for a lifetime. However, training the physical body has only a “limited benefit,” but training in “godliness holds promise for this life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8).

Physical fitness doesn’t just happen by being passive and inactive, nor does spiritual fitness. I encourage you in the power that is in Christ, to be strengthen spiritually by “training” yourself in the written Word, through a strong relationship with the Living Word, Jesus Christ. When the apostle John called Jesus the Word (John 1:1), he emphasized that Jesus was the revelation of God and He now dwells inside of believers through the Spirit.

Set your spiritual fitness goals, develop a spiritual fitness plan, gather the resources you will need (your Bible, prayer journal, other Christian books, sermon pod casts, etc…), and set aside the time you will need to grow.

Godliness is beneficial in EVERY WAY, so don’t delay your training!

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