Sunday, May 17, 2015

By His Blood

When it comes to our bodies, all we are able to clean is our exteriors. There is nothing we can do to cleanse our hearts and minds. We can’t meditate on good thoughts, we can’t isolate ourselves from the world, we can’t work harder at becoming good people, we can’t become more educated or enlightened, nor can religion help. These things can do nothing to cleanse us from our inward sinful nature. There is only one person who can cleanse us, free us, and wash away the filth and impurities found within our hearts and minds, Jesus Christ. Our hearts are not made clean by a system of religious beliefs, or a pilgrimage, or rituals, or religious traditions, or sacrificing more, or through a religious/spiritual leader, but a Person, the Person of Jesus Christ. In fact, it has already been done; it was accomplished on the cross.

While not everything in Revelation is meant to be clear, Jesus wants everyone to be clear that He loves the church (His disciples), He has washed it from sin, He has freed it, He has made them kings and priests, and that He has done all of this by His blood.

In Revelation 1:5 the apostle John writes “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood…” Translation, Jesus loved the world so much, that despite our sin and despite the fact we are completely undeserving, He has chosen to wash us and free us from our sin through His divine blood.

The word “washed” is better translated as “freed” in the Greek language. When Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation  Proclamation he declared “that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free.” This is the perfect illustration of what happened on the cross. Jesus willingly shed His blood, freeing those who would come to believe, from the slavery of sin and Satan’s grip. In other words, Jesus emancipated humanity from their slavery to sin. This freedom and cleansing is available to all who acknowledge their sinfulness and truly believe upon Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

But what about His blood? Most people do not want to talk about blood because the thought of blood being shed is gruesome and traumatic. However, the scriptures tell us that “…all things are cleansed with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9:22). Nevertheless, there was no way animal blood could forgive human sin permanently. Only the blood of Jesus’ could completely satisfy the wrath of God and His judgment against sin.

Jesus wants to free you from sin and wash it away forever as a free gift, but His work on the cross will demand a response from you. Will you believe, repent, and follow Him?

The gospel will cost you nothing, but it will demand your whole life.

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