Monday, September 2, 2013

Wrong Moral Direction

I was reading a book written by Chuck Norris called "Black Belt Patriotism" on our way home from Egypt (yes we have arrived back in Indiana!!) and it might be the best book ever written besides the Bible, just kidding! However, it is really good and I highly recommend it. In a section of the book Chuck was writing about the moral direction of our country and identifying some of the factors that are causing our rapid moral decline and here is what he wrote about the absurdity of our choices.

"The bottom line is that if we teach our children they are nothing more than apes (Evolution), then we shouldn't be surprised if they behave like animals. If we place our value in things (Materialism), we shouldn't expect our children to value people. If we disrespect one another (Vulgar language, rumors, etc..), we can't expect our children to be respectful. If we terminate children in the womb (Abortion), we shouldn't be surprised that our own children think they can terminate others (school shootings). If we teach our children that there is no God and there are no moral absolutes, then we shouldn't be surprised if they turn to immoral lifestyles to find meaning, purpose, and identity in their lives."

This is America's new reality, but it doesn't have to be. Evil flourishes when good men do nothing, so make an intentional effort to do something and speak up.
I am grateful to be back in American and excited to be used by God as a instrument for righteousness and good.
Only in God will any of us ever find our direction, purpose, and mission in life. God has told us in the Bible! Otherwise we would all just wander aimlessly through life thinking we were created to work some job, deploy to some country, pay bills, and get as much out of life for ourselves before we die.

Choose to live life through Christ.


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