Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Prayer 101: Do Not Doubt, Only Believe

Oh, how we doubt. How often have you doubted what you prayed for deep within your heart? How often have you not even prayed because you didn't believe that God could answer your prayer? The world can beat all of us down. It can exhaust us and cause us to turn our eyes towards our circumstances, instead of focusing upward to the throne of grace where our King is seated at the right hand of the Father. After Jesus had cursed the the fig tree and cleansed the temple of its corrupt and idolatrous practices, He decided to teach His disciples about true prayer (Mark 11:22-26). First, Jesus says "have faith in God." Without knowledge and faith in the One who answers our prayers, why would a person even bother to pray. It's impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6), so wavering faith will by no means please God or move Him to action. Second, Jesus says "do not doubt in your heart." Often times we're not even sure what to pray for, but thank God we have His Spirit interceding for us (Romans 8:26). But why bother asking God for anything when we doubt His abilities. God wants us to know Him and then approach Him with boldness because of what His Son has done on the cross. Approaching Him without going through our mediator and intercessor is fruitless. Christ is our mediator and has granted every believer access to the Father, the veil has been taken down and the separation has ended. Third, Jesus states we should "believe what we say will happen and it will be done for us." Of course all of our prayers should center on the will of God; if it's not God's will, then it's not going to be answered with a yes. However, the context of verse 23 is that believer's must seek the unlimited power of their faith in God and then they will experience God's amazing power at work. Jesus promises "it will be done for us," do you believe Him? Fifth, Jesus says "we should believe we have already received them." Now this is what faith is all about and exactly how Hebrews 11:1 defines it. If our prayers are according to His will, then we should never place restrictions or limits on them. Our prayers are conditioned on faith. We understand His will, we speak our prayers, and then we simply believe we have already received before God answers with a yes. However, there are plenty of times when we are not going to know His will, health issues, career moves, relationships, etc.. But if its written in His word, then its His will. Finally, Jesus commands us to forgive others. In fact, if we don't forgive, then not only will our prayers be hindered, but the "Father will not forgive our wrongdoing " (Mark 11:26).
Did you catch that, the Father will not forgive you. To simplify this, allow me to state it this way, forgiveness is not optional, it's mandatory for Christians and without forgiveness you aren't going to heaven. When the Holy Spirit has regenerated the human soul, the hardness and bitterness which prevented forgiveness before coming to Christ are stripped away, making it possible to forgive any wrongdoing done against us. It becomes a way of life.

So here it is, when you pray, discover His will, approach His throne with complete faith, remove all doubt in your heart, believe you will receive before you utter a word, and ensure you harbor no unforgiveness towards anyone.

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