Sunday, October 27, 2013

Love Worth Fighting For

On Saturday night, Ashley and I attended the Kirk Cameron Love Worth Fighting For Marriage Event at Northside Baptist Church. I would highly recommend it for any couple, to include those who are engaged. The crowd ranged from the newly engaged to those married over 40 years. Christian artist Warren Barfield was also present to sing and lead the worship piece of the event. Kirk provided a solid biblical focus to marriage and told everyone up front that no matter what marriage tips and techniques they learn from the world, its useless without a foundation of Jesus Christ.
I thought I would provide everyone my notes from last night:

-Selfishness is the root of almost all problems in marriage
-Beware of being separate from your wife a lot and doing things separately
-I must be Jesus to my wife and love her as He loved me and the Church
-The point of marriage is not my happiness, but my holiness
-I must be plugged into Christ, for He is the source of power
-A husband and wife must surrender to The Lord
-God has reserved the job of changing my spouse for Himself
-I must be engaged in successful warfare to destroy sin or it will destroy me
-My appetite for sin must be killed and then my desire will grow for The Lord
-The life of following Christ is like going upstream against the world and temptation
-I must wage war against anything that causes me to stumble into sin
-A sign of being a true believer is that there is a battle waging inside of you - Spirit vs. Flesh
-Will power is not enough to overcome sin and temptation, I must rely upon the power of the God that dwells in me. I must channel His energy and seek to delight and please Him in all ways
-We must confess we need help - we must confess to one another
-The problem with failed marriages is with men who do not lead their families
-1 Peter 3:7 - Dwell with your wife with understanding and honor your wife as the weaker vessel - 5 key principles are shared in this verse about marriage
-Romance springs from planning and sacrifice, not from chance or convenience - it cost us something
-Genuine compliments are never wasted
-A little help goes a long way - be willing to work around the house and do my part
-Make deposits into my wife's emotional bank account
-I must always honor my wife above anything else on earth - like a fragile vase
-I must protect my wife physically and emotionally as the weaker vessel
  1) Spend time with my wife
  2) Study my wife - become a student of my wife
  3) Open up to my wife - let her know what is inside of my heart
  4) Never compete with my wife - be her strongest encourager
-I am responsible for the condition of my marriage - it's my responsibility as the husband and leader of my home

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