Sunday, November 17, 2013

Troops Respond to The Cross

This morning I was invited by a friend of mine, SFC Tarczynski, to speak and lead worship at the Charlotte Armory for some of the newest National Guard soldiers in North Carolina. It's always an honor to preach and this morning was one of those occasions. After watching The Cross by Billy Graham last week I was moved by it's powerful and impactful message and I knew this was going to be the perfect opportunity to reach unsaved troops. I was thrilled that over 70 troops attended this morning's service (which is a lot for a National Guard worship service). I spent a considerable amount of time last night and this morning seeking the Lord for the salvation of the spiritually lost that would attend. After Billy Graham prayed his prayer of salvation (Sinner's Prayer) at the end of the video, I took the next 20 or so minutes and ensured they clearly understood the gospel (which has been perverted so much in our culture), the power of the Cross, their desperate need for a Savior, and the necessity of repentance...because there is no forgiveness without repentance.

I am happy to report that 14 soldiers received Jesus as their Lord this morning. I invite you to say a prayer for them and their search for a Bible teaching church where they can begin the discipleship training and the lifelong process of sanctification.
In summary, we all needed that reminder from Billy Graham that apart from Christ we are nothing and deserving of eternal death in Hell. For those who are trying to impress God with their religion and accolades, this message was a reminder that their best works are like dirty filthy rags before His eyes. Jesus died on the cross so we could be set free from slavery to sin and its permanent consequences.

I praise God for these 14 souls and pray their profession of faith was sincere and their names have been written in the Book of Life.


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