Sunday, November 3, 2013

Why Do You Go To Church?

This post is directed at Christians, specifically those who I used to be like. What I mean are those who are attending church with no understanding of why. They walk into church, say hi to their friends, drop their kids off in childcare or Sunday school, gather in social groups, perhaps even go on a mission trip, and then attend a worship service where they may or may not hear a biblical message. Meaning they are only Christians when they are at church or part of a church activity. First let me say I'm a huge supporter of church membership because it offers numerous benefits. It identifies us as a genuine believer (Ephesians 2:19), it provides a spiritual family to support and encourage us (Hebrews 10:24, 25), it gives us a place to discover and use our gifts in ministry (1 Corinthians 12:4-27), and it provides every believer a place to grow spiritually (Ephesians 5:21). However, in my opinion, way too many people are aimlessly walking out of church with no understanding of the Great Commission or what they are to do outside of the walls of their local church. What matters most is not where you attend church (as long as its an evangelical church), but who you are and what you are doing with the knowledge you are learning from God's Word. According to Barna research, the typical churched believer will die without leading a single person to a lifesaving knowledge of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Statistically very few Christians will ever stop to interact with a homeless person or show any genuine concern for the hurting in their community.
Participating in church activities does not necessarily draw you closer to God, only spending time in His presence and exercising the faith that has been deposited in you will a person begin to experience God on an intimate level.
Today after church, I was sitting in one of our favorite restaurants with my family and I couldn't tell who was a Christian and who wasn't. What I mean is that no one stood out, everyone just blended in. The people coming from the contemporary churches were wearing t-shirts and jeans just like the unchurched. They talked like the non-Christians and were certainly not acting like the salt and light of the world.

Don't just go to church, be the church and come out from among the crowds and show genuine concern for the lost and hurting.
"Go" and make a difference in your community and world. Desire to see lives transformed by the gospel.

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