Sunday, June 9, 2013

Casual Acceptance or Absolute Surrender?

Please watch this message from David Platt. We live in a time where churches are doing everything they can to "sell" Jesus. But is that what the Bible teaches? No. Jesus demanded a person consider the cost of following him before they commit and surrender. Jesus' doesn't want any half-hearted, lukewarm, fair weather followers. He doesn't even consider that kind of person a follower. He expects His followers to be willing to die spiritually and if need be die physically for the Him and the faith.
A scripture I shared tonight during Chapel was John 6:61. Just before this in verse 60 some so-called  followers of Jesus' said "This teaching is hard!" Who can accept it? and then Jesus knowing in Himself that his disciples were complaining about this, asked them "Does this offend you?"

Jesus demands FULL SURRENDER to all His teachings! Only true followers are willing to do that.

Enjoy the video.

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