Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Don't Live in Fear

Refuge from the Storm (2012) Poster
Last night we watched Refuge from the Storm at our outdoor theater. Is was a movie based upon a woman's true story about her deliverance from fear and her past. A movie that all of our soldiers needed to watch. There are some really good scenes in the movie and I hope it will be released on DVD soon. After the woman came to Christ, the scripture which the woman memorized was 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment." As the movie emphasized, if a Christian doesn't believe in the power of God, then they will not believe in the the power of the Holy Spirit inside them, and ultimately they will never believe in the power of this scripture.
The understanding of this verse is that the Holy Spirit has not made Christians cowards. The Greek word for "timidity" as some translations use in place of fear means a cowardly, shameful fear caused by a weak, selfish character.
When a Christian, as the woman in movie discovered, allows their mind and heart to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, they no longer live in fear, but are able to show love, overcome self-destructive strongholds, and exercise sound judgment.
Amazingly, I had just prayed 2 Timothy 1:7 yesterday morning during my prayer time for my children. God is amazing!


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