Sunday, June 30, 2013

Personal Renewal, Part 2: Let Your Light Shine Before Men

During both services today I preached from Matthew 5:13-16, where Jesus commands His followers to be the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world." In the military and around the world Christians are being told to "put their light under a basket" or in essence stop sharing their faith or expressing their love for Christ. This is ultimately a tactic of the Devil. The prince of this world has always attacked through fear and the desire for people to conform to their environment. The command of Jesus is to "go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation" (Mark 16:!5). Of course if this is Jesus' command then Satan must oppose it. This declaration from Christ simply incites the Devil to intensify the warfare against Christians and the kingdom of God as never before. In fact anyone who has ever served in the military, knows it is becoming an unreached people group. Essentially, the Devil will use anti-Christian organizations to block and suppress the Christian witness. Presently, atheistic groups are seeking to "put a basket over the light of Christians serving in the military.
However, please know this, Satan can use government restrictions and liberal groups, but his strongholds cannot stand against the life-transforming power of the gospel. He has lost the war, he is simply seeking to win battles and gather souls.

Never let anyone or anything put a basket over your light; let your light shine before men so your good works will glorify the Father.
Stay encouraged and stand firm!

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