Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Harmless as Doves

This morning I reflected on Jesus' command found in Matthew 10:16 "Look, I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and harmless as doves." Every devoted follower has to search their heart and ask themself whether they are willing to be hated and persecuted by the world. Most unfortunately are not. When I was hired by Corporate Chaplains of America I was told that chaplains needed to be "as shrewd as serpents and harmless as doves." I found this to be true and applicable in workplace chaplaincy, but have found this to be overwhelmingly apparent in the military context. As I started to look at this verse deeper the word that comes to mind is hostility and danger. When sheep are alone without protection, they are easy prey for wolves. In fact, wolves are predators who hunt down their prey, kill it, and then devour it. However, disciples have a "good Shepherd" in Jesus who laid His life down for the sheep. He will never leave them in times of danger but will empower them even if they are called to give their lives. Jesus never promises that His disciples won't be preyed upon, but instead gave instructions of how to strategically respond when persecution becomes threatening. First, Jesus says to be as shrewd as a serpent. A serpent is shrewd because they are stealth like and can often go unoticed unless stumbled upon, but they can also get away quickly when they are threatened. The KJV uses the word wise instead of shrewd. The Greek unsderstanding of wise means discreet, implying a cautious charcter or operating with practical skill. Second, Jesus says to be as harmless as doves. A dove is non-violent, innocent, and most importantly the Holy Spirit  appeared in the physical appearance of a dove as the Spirit descended upon Jesus following His baptism.

So, if you are truly His, then you have been called to fulfill the Great Commission. This requires sharing the gospel, a strong Christian witness, and a passion for discipling new believers. Thus, Jesus instructs us to be wise, cautious, and discreet in sharing our faith, but to do it with boldness and passion. Finally, He says to do this with the innocence of a dove. To strategically advance the gospel, Jesus' instruction provides the skill necessary to avoid unnecesary death and persecution, but the good Shepherd also tells us the truth of what will happen to His disciples, they will be beaten, taken in front of councils, Kings and governments, and ultimately they will be hated and perhaps killed.

Remain harmless as doves,  never harbor hatred in your heart towards those who hate you, and never resort to violence.

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