Saturday, August 3, 2013

Magnified or Crucified

One of the greatest internal battles Christians face is the constant tension to magnify ourselves or be crucified with Christ. It's simply our nature and especially in our American culture to want to magnify ourselves. The draw can be powerful and often times we don't even realize it. When we magnify ourselves we are essentially worshiping ourselves and demonstrating pride and exaltation of self.  The Devil searches people, especially Christians for pride and self-exaltation and then seeks to pounce once he finds it dwelling in their hearts, but when the Devil searched Jesus during his 40 days in the wilderness he found none. The Devil wants us to build our own kingdoms, but if we are in Christ, God will not allow us to enter His reign with a kingdom-grasping pride. Paul said "now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires" (Galatians 5:24). However a believer will never fully grasp this concept until they put their flesh to death. A genuine convert will slowly begin to experience their old nature being crucified with Christ and their desires becoming more and more in line with the Lord's. They will view political and social issues through a biblical lens and their spiritual eyes will be opened like never before, they begin to see through their previous blindness. The scales will be removed from your eyes. Is it you living or Christ living in you? (Galatians 2:20). Christians are commanded and assisted by the Holy Spirit to consciously, consistently, and courageously say no to sin and hate it as much as God does.

We must never forget that Satan doesn't fear Christianity or Christian values, Satan fears Christ!
Don't magnify yourself, crucify yourself with Christ.

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